Important information ITF Open World Championships

//Important information ITF Open World Championships

Important information ITF Open World Championships

So many will know we have been invited to the Open ITF Taekwon-Do Championships which were to be held in Seoul South Korea. The championships are sanctioned by uITF under GM KS Hwang and ITF Korea.

Due to the political unrest on the Korean peninsula, the championships have now changed location to London, England. This is unfortunate in many ways but it is also the right decision by the tournament committee. Now here is the good news, because of the close proximity of the championships we are in a position to open up the selections to compete at the championships.

The championships will run over the August bank holiday weekend from the 1st to the 4th.
There will be a colour belt championships held on the 4th.
There will be more information at training, please see your instructor if you are interested in putting your name forward for selection.

For any other Taekwon-Do instructors and competitors out there. This championship is non-political and is open to all members regardless of your affiliation. All ITF members and non members are welcome, no re-certification is needed which is in line with GM Hwang’s wishes who’s sole goal is to unify Taekwon-Do as General Choi had instructed him, he was the chairperson of the merger committee at the time of General Choi’s death. Get in touch if you are interested in competing!

By |2013-05-08T09:16:11+00:00April 19th, 2013|Events|0 Comments

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